Friday, April 10, 2015

THE AUTHOR: On Writing My First Novel

It is said that writing a novel is a difficult endeavor to undertake. It is said that one has to have a talent for it. But, it is also said that everyone has one book in them. This must be true because it seems as if everyone has written that one book. The ebook market is filled with fiction and non-fiction books. The numbers and topics are wide and vast. The chance that one will make it as an author, much less and ebook author is slim to none. This fact does not seem to be holding anyone back from trying to become an author. This new paradigm that exist in the world of writing has made it accessible to all. This is a good thing. It is also a bad thing. The competition is enormous and the reading public is not as enormous. The product outnumbers the buyers. However true this may be, there are those who are still successful at it. The key is to try to become one of those few.

My first book is about a vigilante who hunts people that are bad. He has some of the tendencies of a serial killer. He hunts people who have committed crimes and are deserving of punishment. This may sound familiar to anyone that has seen the show on Showtime Cable Channel called "Dexter." But Dexter was not the first and only character of his kind. There has been many others. Dexter was however the most popular. And, The cable show was very good and captivating.  My character is similar to Dexter in that they hunt those who deserve to be hunted. The similarity stops there. The name of my character is "Malcolm." He is a black male and was raised in a strict catholic setting. He came up with his code of behavior based on what he learned in the catholic school system. He was told that killing is never good in the eyes of God. He also knows that in the old testament, the law was "An eye for an eye." He does hunt because he feels compelled to but he is also righting wrongs as he sees it. As a child, Malcolm asked a priest; Can the guilty be punished here on earth? The priest responded, "Yes they can and that the law took care of that. Malcolm then asked, "What about the ones that the law does not deal with?" The priest responded, "God would deal with those persons." Malcolm then said, "The angel of death has killed for God before, hasn't he?" The priest responded, "Yes, he has." Malcolm said, "Can someone here on earth be like the angel of death?" The priest did not respond. He simply said, "Malcolm you are only fifteen, much to young to be pondering on such matters. But the answer to your question is, "Yes, some people have acted as such on behalf of God. But, it always led to great and overwhelming consequences." Malcolm heard what he wanted to hear in that response. The priest, after making the statement, did not know why he gave such a response to a child. He was bewildered. Malcolm went on to formulate his own conduct as it pertained to people who do wrongs.

In writing Malcolm, it was a goal made to be obtained. I obtained it when I finished and published it. Of course, I found a hundred things wrong with it as soon as I self published it. I wanted to change this and change that. I have read that this is a natural reaction to having written a book. I am working on my next book and it has nothing to do with vigilante or serial killers. The working title is "The Amoeba Strain." The book is about a man on the run from the government and a powerful corporate titan. They seek him for different reasons but once they find him, it will be his end. The story deals with questions about humanity, sexuality, and a host of other topics. It is proving to be quite a challenge. I am hoping to be finished and self published by the end of 2015.

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