I am amazed that Marvel Comics and DC Comics does not have their own channel. Whether that channel is a cable channel, Internet streaming channel or some form of both, I am amazed. The main problem with owning a television channel is providing content. This would not be a problem that either of these companies would have. They have content going back eighty to ninety years if not longer. The content that they have possess characters and back stories that are fully developed. They have hundreds of heroes and villains whose stories are written and still being written. They have supporting characters to go along with the main ones they have already.
Marvel is now owned by Disney. There is such a thing as the Disney Channel and it is pretty successful. It only seems fitting that there should be a Marvel Channel. They can include everything from cartoons to contemporary programing. The model already exist in limited form. Marvel has "The Agents of Shield" on ABC. DC Comics has "Arrow" and "The Flash" on the WB Channel. Marvel and DC has several successful movies under their belts. In reference to programming, the channel could include the old superhero shows as fillers. Marvel has the old "Captain America" and "Spiderman" from the 70's and 80's. DC Comics has "Wonder Woman," "Superman" and "Shazam." The list goes on and on but finding programming would not be a problem. Agreements would have to be reached. But in the end, the venture would reward all parties involved.
The true question is how many people would tune in to watch these channels? It all depends on how it was set up. Would I pay to watch if the model was similar to Netflix? Depending on the price being charged, I probably would. If it was a cable channel, would I include it in my package? The answer is yes, I would. There are millions, if not tens of millions of people who purchase comic books. These people also watch the current superhero material being offered on television as of now. They also go to the movies to watch superheroes on the big screen. Would they also be willing to pay say $5.99 to $8.99 a month for a Marvel or a DC channel? I think the answer is yes. Is there a chance of over saturation of the market? The answer is yes. If you get tired of it, you don't normally remove it from your package or discontinue your Internet streaming service, you simply watch something else. After a while, you come back to it. Well, I hope these channels exist one day. I really hope that they are made into their own publicly listed companies so I can invest in them also. I think they would be great investments. I also think that they will be fun to watch.
Marvel is now owned by Disney. There is such a thing as the Disney Channel and it is pretty successful. It only seems fitting that there should be a Marvel Channel. They can include everything from cartoons to contemporary programing. The model already exist in limited form. Marvel has "The Agents of Shield" on ABC. DC Comics has "Arrow" and "The Flash" on the WB Channel. Marvel and DC has several successful movies under their belts. In reference to programming, the channel could include the old superhero shows as fillers. Marvel has the old "Captain America" and "Spiderman" from the 70's and 80's. DC Comics has "Wonder Woman," "Superman" and "Shazam." The list goes on and on but finding programming would not be a problem. Agreements would have to be reached. But in the end, the venture would reward all parties involved.
The true question is how many people would tune in to watch these channels? It all depends on how it was set up. Would I pay to watch if the model was similar to Netflix? Depending on the price being charged, I probably would. If it was a cable channel, would I include it in my package? The answer is yes, I would. There are millions, if not tens of millions of people who purchase comic books. These people also watch the current superhero material being offered on television as of now. They also go to the movies to watch superheroes on the big screen. Would they also be willing to pay say $5.99 to $8.99 a month for a Marvel or a DC channel? I think the answer is yes. Is there a chance of over saturation of the market? The answer is yes. If you get tired of it, you don't normally remove it from your package or discontinue your Internet streaming service, you simply watch something else. After a while, you come back to it. Well, I hope these channels exist one day. I really hope that they are made into their own publicly listed companies so I can invest in them also. I think they would be great investments. I also think that they will be fun to watch.